The Parts feature in Woven helps you manage parts inventories – including adjustments, counts, and restocks – and define the parts that can make up these inventories.
Find the Parts feature under the “Maintenance” menu.
The “Inventory” tab on the Parts feature lists all the inventories in your account. At a glance, you can view important information about each inventory including ownership, the last time it was counted and restocked, and more.
By selecting an inventory, you can:
- Define the parts that make up the inventory
- Adjust quantity and par levels
- Submit a new count of the inventory and view former counts
- Track a new restock of the inventory and view former ones
- Review how the quantities of the inventory’s parts have changed over time
The “Parts” tab on the Parts feature lists all the parts that have been defined for tracking in any inventory.
By selecting a part, you can review its characteristics and which vendors supply it.
You’re ready to use the Parts feature if you have updated Parts Settings. Learn more about updating Parts Settings.
TROUBLESHOOTING: If you do not see “Parts” under the MAINTENANCE menu or you don’t see the MAINTENANCE menu, you do not have the permissions to use the Parts feature. Contact your account administrator for access.
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