Adding A Document to an Announcement
Adding a document to an announcement is useful, especially when informing your team members about a new promo or event. Documents that can be attached to announcements include:
- JPEG/JPG/PNG images
- Microsoft Office Documents
- PDFs
PRO TIP: You are about to add a document(s) to an announcement that is already published, but team members that have already read the announcement may not realize there is a change and miss it. We suggest using "Notify Unread" or "Notify Reminder" options to ping your team members.
To add a document to an announcement:
1. Click “Announcements” under the Management Menu.
2. Click on the announcement in which you would like to add an announcement.
3. Select "Edit Content"
4. Select the paper clip icon
5. Drag and drop the file OR click anywhere inside the upload box to browse files on your computer.
6. Once a file is selected it will be automatically uploaded and save to the announcement.
7. Team Members will have the option to download the document(s) in the announcement
PRO TIP: Documents uploaded through announcements are not viewable online. Team Members who wish to view the documents will have to download them to their device. Documents will download as the same file type that is uploaded.
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