Only users with a security Role with editing access to Shared Links may add new Shared Links. If you see the green "+ Add Shared Link" button in the top-right corner of the Shared Links page (see below snapshot), you have the ability to add these links.
To add a new Shared Link:
1. Access the Shared Links page by clicking the “Knowledge Base” button and selecting “Shared Links.”
2. Click the green "+ Add Shared Link" button which will open a new screen.
3. In the new window, provide the:
a. Name: a short name for the shared link (e.g., Amazon)
b. URL: the URL for the external website link (e.g.,
c. Description: a short description of the external website (e.g., Supply ordering)
4. Click the blue “Add Shared Link” button which will take you to the new link’s configurations page.
5. On the new link’s configuration page (snapshot below):
a. You may choose the teams that should be able to access this shared link in the “Teams Targeted by Shared Link” section. By default, all teams will have access to this link. To select specific teams that will have access to this link, click the “Specific Teams” option then select each team that should be able to access the link.
b. You may also edit the information you just inputted (name, URL, and link description) in the “Shared Link Details” section.
6. When satisfied with the details on the new link’s configuration page, click the arrow button to return to your list of links. You should now see your new link’s name, description, and icon.
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