The Work Orders "Settings" page is where you will dictate how a team member is able to complete a work order form in Woven. In the "Settings" tab you can define work order categories, add reasons for submitting work orders, define work order priority colors, and view the verification of categories and reasons. To get to the work order "Settings" page, click "Work Orders" under the Maintenance menu. Then click "Settings" in the upper right-hand corner.
Categories Tab
In the Work Order "Categories" tab, enter the names of Work Orders Categories that could be used to address all types of work orders. Categories (e.g., heating and cooling, plumbing, and roofing) listed on this tab will appear in the "Categories" drop-down menu of work order forms. The user will then choose the category expected to resolve the issue. This is particularly useful for reporting work orders that are not associated with a specific tracked asset.
Reasons Tab
In the "Reasons" tab, you will find all of the reasons for submitting a work order. After selecting a reason from this tab, you will be directed to that reason's page where you can:
- Define the work order categories and asset categories affiliated with the selected reason.
- Configure a specific position to be notified when a work order with that reason has been submitted.
- Pose the information-gathering question(s) that will appear on work orders with that reason selected.
- Set up suggestions that will address the work order before submitting it to maintenance and that will appear on work orders with that reason selected.
Priorities Tab
In the "Priorities" tab of “Work Order Settings,” you can change the priority color for a work order. The priority color is visible on the "Work Orders" tab's table (the color of the cell under the "WO#" column indicates its priority) and on the “Work Order by Priority" pie chart and the "Priority Status of Open Work Orders by Region, District, and Location" bar graph under the "Work Order Insights" tab.
To change a priority’s color, click into the current color and select a new color. Once you click out of the color box, the priority color will update.
The “Verification” tab on Work Orders Settings checks if there are any categories that are not associated with any reasons and if there are any reasons that are not associated with any work order categories or asset categories. Anything listed in the “Verification” tab should be corrected in order to use the “Work Orders” feature as intended.
Tags Tab
In the "Tags" tab, you can create tags that can be applied to work orders. Tags can be used to group work orders; for example, if a hurricane caused your location to flood, you could tag each work order that was caused by the hurricane as the hurricane name. This would allow you to filter by the tag's name so only work orders with the hurricane's name tag would populate.
The work order dispatching tool allows for team members to assigned to a work order based on the criteria defined in the dispatch.
In the "Dispatching" tab, you are able to view already created work order dispatches as well as create a new work order dispatch. To see how to create a work order dispatch, view the article Work Order Dispatching article.
Point of Contact
In the "Point of Contact" tab, you can select either a position that is identified on a locations details page or a team member that you would like to be displayed on an asset or facility work order under the "Point of Contact" section.
Verification Tab
If you see in the verification tab that a category is not associated with a reason, you can add that category to any reason that would be addressed if that category were applied. To do this, select the "Reasons" tab and (1) select a reason and add the missing category to its "This reason applies to the following categories" field or (2) add a new reason and then add the missing category to the new reason's "The reasons applies to the following categories" field.
If you see in the verification tab that a reason is not applicable to any asset categories or work order categories, then that reason will never be presented as an option when submitting a new work order. To fix this issue, you will want to go to the reason that is not applicable and add an asset category and/or work order categories.
To add a missing asset category or work order categories, select the reason with the missing asset category or work order categories from the "Reasons" tab and (1) add an asset category to its "This reason applies to the following asset categories" field or (2) add a work order category to its "The reason applies to the following work order category" field.
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